Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pick Up Your Art Work!

Please stop by the gallery between 10-12 (study day) to pick up your work from the Undergraduate Exhibition.

Thank you

Get your Mosaic Submissions in!


the due date for submitting your creative work to Mosaic, SMU's literary and arts magazine, is quickly approaching!  So, please act now!  Send your entries to MOSAIC@SMUMN.EDU.  Thanks and happy holidays from all of us on the Mosaic staff.

(If you need assistance photographing works of art, contact any art and design faculty. We would be happy to help.)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Annual Undergraduate Art Exhibition Opening and Award Winners

The Annual Undergraduate All Campus Student Exhibition will be on view through the end of the semester in the Lillian Davis Hogan Galleries. Over 40 students from a wide variety of majors from Criminal Justice to Computer Science to Studio Art are exhibiting their work in the show. The work was juried by Brianna Nelson, and the award winning work is featured below. Congratulations to all of our student artists and award winners!
Anna Segner, First Place,  Evanescent Decay

Allison Swenson, Second Place, Fall Hunt
Macey Johnson, Third Place, Swans

Chelsea Pumper, Honorable Mention, Icarus

Cinthya Cazares, Honorable Mention, Pumpkin

Elizabeth Schmidt, Honorable Mention, Dash

Haolin Lin, Honorable Mention, Buddha Stamp

Jessica Schleich, Honorable Mention, Pitcher

Stop by and see the exhibit, open daily 9am to 8pm, through December 10th, 2013.